
When I moved to Japan, aside from being able to count from 1-10, I really didn’t know any Japanese. Suddenly, situations that were a no brainer in my home country became stressful and challenging. There’s one experience in particular that sticks in my mind, because it happened soon after I arrived in Japan. I had... Continue Reading →

A Weekend in Philly

The first time I went to Philadelphia, I didn't have such a great impression. Maybe it was the 90% humidity or the way the roaches emerged at night and scuttled across the sidewalk. However, last weekend, we were in Philly again for a friend's wedding and despite a little rain, we had a really fun... Continue Reading →

Holy Matcha

One thing I miss about Japan and Korea is the cafe culture. It's not just about the drink but about creating the perfect space for people to gather and enjoy their coffee and cakes. One place in San Diego that has the ambiance as well as tasty food/drinks is Holy Matcha. My friend introduced me... Continue Reading →

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